Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Leonardo DiCaprio - A man of Excellence

My son and I have loved Leonardo DiCaprio, for his acting depth since

I raised my son Jonn Ryane by myself and even now that he is 28 we still have basically the same taste when it comes to excellence in the media arts. Perhaps it was being raised by a hippie mom and part time hippie dad who was a music promoter. Wearing baby tour shirts made especially for him, he was conceived at the end of the Bat Out Of Hell tour and born during Dr. Hook. After his dad and I split when he was 1 1/2 we were glued at the hip until he was 13 when it all changed and he wouldn't even walk down the street with me. I believe it has to do with that coming of age time that is part of every culture on earth. In aboriginal cultures it is celebrated, here we just ignore it.. but truth is our boys find it uncomfortable being so close to their mother's when they are going through puberty and pull away.

My son and I have a tradition, we try to go to a movie we both really want to see on Christmas Day. As hippies we were never materially oriented or into the commercialism of Christmas so it was perfect for us. I missed that this year as I am in Arizona and he is working his ass off in Toronto with his start up Internet Commercials biz VIDEO DISTRICT. But a few years ago he spent Christmas with me in Orillia, Ontario and we went to see THE AVIATOR and loved it so much.

I am watching THE DEPARTED again and only for Leo (and a little Jack) and his intensity. Intensity that he has always had it seems.

Now that this still young man has mastered his craft and he is able to maintain a level of excellence in his acting career as well as turn his intensity and passion to something he believes in personally, the saving of our Mother Earth for the generations that follow, I am even more in awe of him. When you see him here talking about his documentary The 11th Hour he looks so sweet it is hard to see the depths of his intensity but you feel it.

I am studying one of The Secret's recommended courses "Acting For Real" in learning how to write your own script for your own life, star in it and direct it. In quantum physics it is maintaining control over your matrix or creating what you want in your world by focusing on it. When you act out the character you want to become in your life you become it. It has given me some insight into what actors must go through in their heads when they embed the characters they play into their neural-nets. Some, like I believe Leo, can embrace it, control it, handle it and direct it where he wants it to go. That takes a lot of work and concentration and I applaud his efforts and all those who have succeeded at focus, determination , success and excellence in their lives they are an inspiration to me.