Thursday, March 27, 2008

Let Elizabeth May Speak!!!

With all the momentum the Green Party of Canada is gaining and all the voters (including some major NDP players) who are switching over, the Canadian Press are still not letting them in on the debates. What are they afraid of?

Regardless of who you support and vote for or if you are a staunch non-voter, it is clearly not only unfair to the hundreds of thousands of green party members and supporters, but to anyone who at least wants more information! The "journalists" should be ashamed of themselves as this has gone on way too long and who do they think they are denying our right to have another opinion that obviously has merit and legs.

If you are (as I used to be) a "strategic" voter voting for the "lesser of two evils" read this on why voting Green is not a wasted vote it is enlightening on what power and resources you are giving your lesser of two evils...and who you are taking it away from.

Here is a link to a petition to the Canadian journalists to finally let Elizabeth May in on the debates. It only takes a second to fill out..and this would make the debate worth watching for sure just to see them all try to keep up with her!

Here is her profile on youtube. There are many videos of her speaking to give you an idea of what an asset she would be to the debates..and they are crazy not to include her as it would definitely increase ratings.